What We Deliver
Measurement Resources provides services and strategies to help government and nonprofit organizations use performance measurement to improve programs, outcomes, and lives.
In 2008, Sheri Chaney Jones, founded the organization with a bold goal: Help every mission-driven organization use measurement to accelerate social change.
Measurement is a powerful tool. Organizations that implement measurement systems turn data into outcomes. Staff see more opportunities, uncover obstacles sooner, and discover untapped efficiencies. They have better data to demonstrate impact, increase visibility, and raise funds. Measurement moves great missions forward.
We have created a High-Performance Measurement Framework™ that combines best practices in industrial and organizational psychology, program evaluation, and data collection to make it easy for teams to implement performance measures that can drive better outcomes. We can help your team move from data-collection for collection’s sake, to measurement for insight, action, and impact.

What We Believe
What gets measured gets done.
Performance measurement is not a data collection exercise, it is a value-creation opportunity. If we can better align what we measure with the specific performance factors that have the greatest mission impact, we will do more. Measurement moves missions. That potential inspires us.
Abundance is a mindset.
Constraints are gifts that provoke us to act. We will never have all the resources we need to solve our most challenging social issues but facing difficult problems prompts us to identify, challenge, and improve how we think and how we work. Together, we have abundant mind power to solve great challenges. That gift empowers us.
Promised means delivered.
Results, not just promising theories, create social change. So we go beyond the good ideas and deliver data, reports, tools, and solutions that organizations can put in motion now. Change starts now. That mandate drives us.
Iron sharpens iron.
We learn from each other. If we continuously invest in discovering and applying the best practices in performance evaluation, measurement, psychology, public policy, economics, and organizational behavior we can increase the success of our clients’ missions. That responsibility improves us.